Dhaka is a City of many different transport modes. On a typical day in Dhaka you might be lucky enough to see many types of animals pulling custom made trailors!
While there is still many Rickshaws you might be surprised to see many vehicles that only suit Roads in the so-called First or Western World.
The Traffic jams would consist of the above transport modes plus your Indian Tata

If you find your self unfortunate enough to be stuck in one of these jams on a hot and sunny day, make sure you purchase a bottle of Mirinda or some other American tasting soft drink from the street seller who is most likely to be carrying a bucket full of Western influence in a bottle!
By the way, the street sellers in Bangladesh are also know as "Feriwala" in Bengali, although if it's a young kid, you'd normaly call him/her "Pich-chi" as in "Kid".
A soft drink can or bottle isn't very expensive these day's due to rapid Globalization!
And yes, average jams in Dhaka will waste atleast 2 hours, so if your in a rush walk all the way, if you can find any footpaths for pedestrians that is!
But as far as I know, the World Bank thinks that Bangladesh will be a better and organized nation by 2020, so keep your fingers crossed!